Recipe Box 1.4.2 Free Download For Mac

  1. Recipe Box 1.4.2 Free Download For Mac Free

Note: This change log contains the changes for versions 1 and 2 of Paprika for iPad. For changes to Paprika 3, please see: Version 2.2.1: - Improved iPad Pro support.

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Version 2.2.0: Hi folks. I am pleased to announce a major upgrade to Paprika’s web browser that we have been working on for quite some time. To make it easier to save recipes from your favorite sites, we have built a natural language processing engine into Paprika that can automatically recognize any recipe written in plain English on any website. This means that you no longer have to request support for specific sites to be added to Paprika, nor will you need to resort to Paprika’s clipboard tools to copy and paste the recipe from the browser when you encounter an unsupported site. Just press Save Recipe and Paprika will figure out the rest. Version 2.1.8: - Fixed an issue that prevents certain browser links from loading.

Fixed problems moving the cursor in the browser clipboard tools. Fixed a few problems exporting recipes with Unicode names to HTML. Fixed layout of unit converter. Fixed a few crashes. Version 2.1.7: - Improved compatibility with iOS 9.

Improved performance of the web browser. Fixed an issue that could cause pinned recipes to be unpinned. More bug fixes and stability improvements.

Version 2.1.6: - Fixed a memory leak when syncing. Version 2.1.5: - Fixed confusing grocery list buttons. Version 2.1.4: - When using the weekly meal planner you can now also tap and hold on a day to add a meal to that day. Fixed an issue with timers not sounding when the app is backgrounded. Fixed text scrolling issues when editing recipes with an external keyboard. Fixed an issue with blank grocery list items being added when using a custom keyboard. Fixed a few minor issues with the YummySoup and SousChef importers.

Version 2.1.3: - Added an iOS 8 share extension for saving recipes from Safari. Fixed font overlap issues when Dynamic Type is enabled. Version 2.1.2: - Fixed crash when adding recipes to the meal planner.

Fixed encoding issues with HTML exports. Version 2.1.1: - Fixed integration with Facebook and Twitter. Version 2.1.0: - Added support for iOS 8. You can now copy and paste photos directly from the browser to an existing recipe. Fixed importing of.paprikarecipe attachments from certain email clients. Fixed audio not playing in the web browser. Version 2.0.8: - Fixed ability to set categories on new recipes.

Version 2.0.7: - Fixed the Create Recipe button in the browser. Version 2.0.6: - Added a SpringPad JSON importer. Added a confirmation when you try to delete a recipe.

Added support for scaling recipes by arbitrary percentages. Added support for the en dash when scaling recipes with a quantity range. Added print options for a larger photo, and two-column layout. Preserve capitalization of words when performing autocomplete. Changed wording of the confirmation button when you cancel a recipe edit to something less scary. Changed the browser to use a regular search instead of a recipe search.

Removed the Request Site button in the browser, these are now recorded automatically. Fixed a bug related to re-saving recipe photos unnecessarily. Fixed a bug where the recipe count in the toolbar might show the wrong number. Fixed a bug related to the consolidation of grocery list items in other languages. Fixed a error when exporting the grocery list to Reminders. Version 2.0.5: - Fixed a few crashes. Version 2.0.4: - Fixed issue where source and source URL were not being saved when manually clipping recipes.

Fixed issue with the keyboard blocking the recipe search results. Added a confirmation when pressing the cancel button while editing a recipe. Fixed a rounding error in the converter. Fixed serving size when printing/emailing/exporting recipes if the recipe is scaled. Version 2.0.3: - Fixed ability to tap on status bar to scroll to top of browser.

Fixed scaling of ingredients with mixed fractions. Fixed the scroll position being reset when a recipe gets updated. Added more space for the meal calendar on months that have six weeks. Fixed importing of MMF files. Fixed several crashes. Version 2.0.2: - By popular demand, we have added back the Most Recent and Top Rated categories.

You can directly tap on uncategorized recipes to categorize them from the main list again. Added an external setting that lets you take a backup when launching the app. Fixed a few state restoration related bugs. Fixed a few issues that could cause authentication errors during syncing. Version 2.0.1: - Fixed an application crash when running the app in German. Fixed handling when copying URLs from the clipboard.

Servings are also scaled when you scale a recipe's ingredients. Several miscellaneous bug fixes. What's New in 2.0.0: Hey folks, we have a big update for you today, almost certainly the biggest update we have ever released. First, several iOS 7 related database issues have been resolved. Second, the entire app has been fully updated for iOS 7, and the user interface now sports a clean, functional design.

We have updated the typography and contrast to make each screen easier to read. You'll also notice that our lovely icon has been refreshed with a more fitting look.

Third, Paprika Cloud Sync has been overhauled and optimized to sync much more frequently and efficiently. It will now push changes in real-time between your devices, and sends only the changes made since your last sync. The net effect is that syncing is now even more seamless than before. Now, to get into the details: CATEGORIES.

You can now organize categories into groups of subcategories!. We have removed the Top Rated and Most Recent categories. Instead, you can now sort any category by star rating or most recent. RECIPES. To make it easier to cook multiple recipes at the same time, you can now pin active recipes to easily switch between them.

Timers are now automatically detected in your directions. Simply tap on one to start a new timer. We will display up to 3 active timers counting down in the toolbar.

AirDrop support has been added for sharing recipes with your friends and family. Recipe printing has been greatly improved.

Recipe Box 1.4.2 Free Download For Mac

You can now customize: print sizes (full page, 4x6 index cards, 3x5 index cards), print margins, font size, and disable the photo. The ingredients/directions keyboard shortcut bar is now customizable and supports autocompletion of numbers, quantities, and ingredients. This makes it much easier to add new ingredients to a recipe. From the main recipes list, you can now tap and hold a recipe to access quick actions.

If your recipe was clipped from a website, and it has an image, you can now tap the image in order to zoom in on a larger version of it. BROWSER. We have redesigned the clipboard tools to make them easier to work with.

When you import a recipe from a website, the recipe is now copied to the clipboard tools, to allow you to make adjustments before you fully save the recipe. GROCERY LIST. It's now easier to add multiple items to your grocery list at once.

The entry field stays active until you're done adding them all. Autocompletion is now enabled for grocery list items!.

You can now export your grocery list to Reminders. When the grocery list has combined similar ingredients, you can now tap on the item to see the original ingredients and their quantities. PANTRY.

The pantry is a new subsection of the grocery list. You can record common ingredients that you already have at home: salt, sugar, flour, etc. Pantry items are automatically unchecked when you add a recipe to your grocery list. MEAL PLANNER. The meal planner has been redesigned with two new views: a monthly view and a weekly view. The add meal button now uses a step-by-step wizard, which walks you through each step of adding a meal (choosing a recipe/date/type).

When choosing a date, we show a monthly calendar that lets you see which meals you have already planned. You can now export your meals to iCal. Meals can now be copied or moved between days of the week.

We have separated recipes from notes in the meal planner, and added more room for displaying notes. MENUS. Menus are a new subsection of the meal planner. You can take your favorite meals and create reusable menus from them, to be saved for later use. IMPORTERS.

You can now import MasterCook (mz2) files, Living Cookbook (fdx/fdxz) files. We're very proud of this update, as this is easily the best version of Paprika we have ever released. We have been cooking with it in the kitchen and hope you guys love it as much as we do. Best of all, this update is completely free! Thanks for all of your patience and support, and stay tuned for much, much more. What's New in 1.7.4:. Many fixes for iOS 7 compatibility.

What's New in 1.7.3:. Fixed loading of external URLs copied to the clipboard.

Fixed problems scrolling the text box when editing recipe directions. Fixed size of directions box when a Bluetooth keyboard is attached. Prevent blank page from appearing when printing. Correctly refresh recipes list after changing search type. Recipe notes and nutritional info preserve newlines when printing. Improved MacGourmet importer to handle ingredient subgroups. Improved HTML exporter's handling of duplicate recipes.

What's New in 1.7.2:. Fixed several crashes. What's New in 1.7.1:. Fixed issue with blank directions lines. What's New in 1.7.0:. Improved launch speed for users with large databases. Twitter & Facebook integration (iOS 6 only).

Fixed several memory issues & crashes. Improved directions spacing on the recipe screen. What's New in 1.6.3:. Improved iOS 6 compatibility.

Fixed several crashes when using the web browser under iOS 6. Improved performance when searching large recipe collections.

Fixed sporadic crash when editing meal plans via the meal planner. What's New in 1.6.2:. Fixed bug when swiping between weeks in the meal planner. Fixed bug where grocery list headers would end up blank.

Added better crash reporting. Improved accessibility. Improved localizations. Version 1.6.1 - July 4, 2012 New Features:. Added support for importing from MasterCook (.mxp), SousChef (.vrc), and MealMaster (.mmf).

Bug Fixes:. Fixed issues exporting multiple recipes with the same name to HTML. Fixed issue where grocery list would sometimes end up blank. Fixed vertical scrolling in the meal planner. Fixed problem with meals being cut off when printing long meal plans. Fixed problem with the timer alarm sometimes not sounding.

Version 1.6.0 - June 16, 2012 New Features:. Bookmarks will now sync via Paprika Cloud Sync. Added our Supported Sites page as the default bookmark in the browser.

When you close a recipe opened from the meal planner, you are returned to the meal planner. You can now swipe left and right between weeks in the meal planner. You can now customize the start day of the week for your meal plans. Improved the email and print formatting for recipes, grocery lists, and meals. You can now export your entire recipe collection to HTML.

Enhanced VoiceOver support. We have added translations for the following languages: Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Portuguese, Swedish. Added a Clear Purchased button to the grocery list. Full retina display support. We have made tweaks to our user interface to make it more consistent with the other apps. Added an alphabetical index bar to the recipes listing. (Turn this on in Settings.).

New Top Rated category sorts your recipes by star rating. New streamlined list allows you to see more recipes on the screen at once. (Pinch the recipes to shrink the row size, zoom to expand back to normal.). You can now start multiple recipe timers. Added a unit converter to the recipe tool box.

You can now tap ingredients to cross them off as you use them. You can now highlight the current paragraph of your recipe directions to help keep your place. You can now remove a recipe's existing photo. Bug Fixes:.

Fixed issues scrolling the text box when you are editing the ingredients or directions. Fixed problems some users were having when upgrading from earlier versions of the app. The ingredient scaling and grocery list now correctly understand fraction characters. Version 1.5.1 - March 24, 2012 New Features:. Improved support for retina display.

Bug Fixes:. Fixed some memory related crashes while using the browser. Fixed crash at startup for users running iOS 5.1. Version 1.5.0 - March 21, 2012 New Features:. Added support for the following languages: French, Spanish, and German.

You can now turn off grocery list consolidation and aisles in the settings pane. Bug Fixes:. Fixed an issue where recipes would no longer be sorted alphabetically. Version 1.4.2 - February 25, 2012 Bug Fixes:. Fixed problems with missing ingredients when adding recipes to the grocery list.

Recipe Box 1.4.2 Free Download For Mac Free

Fixed import of MasterCook MX2 files. Version 1.4.1 - February 3, 2012 Bug Fixes:. Fixed issue with adding blank meals from the recipe screen.

Fixed difficulties scrolling ingredients and directions while editing. Fixed problems adding a week of meals to the grocery list. Version 1.4.0 - January 20, 2012 New Features:. The grocery list now consolidates similar ingredients (so '1 egg' and '2 eggs' will be added together and displayed as '3 eggs').

The grocery list now displays items sorted by grocery store aisle instead of by the recipe name (so milk shows up under Dairy and carrots show up under Produce). When adding recipes to the grocery list, you can now select/deselect individual ingredients to add (instead of always adding the entire recipe). You can also now add the same recipe to the grocery list more than once. Significant performance enhancements and better memory management, especially in the browser.

You can now search for recipes within a specific category. Bug Fixes:.

Fixed an issue with certain ingredients not displaying correctly due to extra carriage returns in the text. Fixed an issue with selecting certain dates in the meal planner. Fixed problems copying images in the browser under iOS 5. Fixed an issue typing certain special characters into the browser search bar.

Version 1.3.7 - October 14, 2011. Added support for importing from Yum XML. Fixed import of blank categories. Version 1.3.6 - October 5, 2011. Fixed black background in grocery list.

Version 1.3.5 - September 28, 2011. Fixed category importing from YummySoup!, MacGourmet, and MasterCook. Fixed text cutoff issues in recipe screen. Fixed case insensitive recipe name sorting. Made ingredients formatting more readable. Version 1.3.4 - August 20, 2011. Paprika Cloud Sync is now free with the purchase of the app.

Fixed a few bugs related to syncing meals. Version 1.3.3 - July 7, 2011.

Fixing issues with invisible ingredients and preparation. Version 1.3.2 - May 26, 2011. Fixed YummySoup file importing. Fixed Living Cookbook file importing. Added the ability to reset your cloud sync account password.

Cook timer now runs properly in the background. Version 1.3.1 - March 31, 2011. Fixed crash when importing certain emailed recipes. Version 1.3.0 - March 29, 2011 New Features:. The meal planner now supports adding custom meals, as well as modifying existing meals. Each recipe now supports automatic ingredient serving size scaling. It is now possible to print recipes, grocery lists, and meal plans.

Added file importers for other apps including MacGourmet, YummySoup, and MasterCook. You can now automatically import recipes sent via email from other Paprika users. Added a nutritional info field to each recipe. Nutritional info is now automatically saved from sites that provide it. Improved the copy and paste tools in the browser to make it easier to use, and to support saving more fields. You can now search recipes by source.

The ingredient search has been improved to allow searching by a comma separated list of keywords. Added a setting to automatically alphabetize the category list. Added a timer to the recipe screen. The browser now has a convenient search bar. Added the ability to unrate an existing recipe. Fixed the highlighting on the notes button when a note has been saved.

Notes and nutritional information are now displayed directly below the preparation section. The meal picker now remembers the last entered meal type instead of always defaulting to Breakfast. Version 1.2.1 - January 11, 2011 Bug Fixes:. Bug fix for weekday ordering in certain locales. Bug fix when syncing new grocery list items.

Version 1.2.0 - December 29, 2010 New Features:. New meal planner helps you organize and schedule meals for the week. Added the ability to import and export backups. Added an (optional) cloud sync service that can be used to automatically back up recipes, meals, and grocery lists and sync them between devices.

Each recipe now has a separate section for notes. Recipes can now by searched by ingredient. The screen idle timer lock is now a configurable setting. Help manuals have been added to the settings panel.

Awesome new icon.:) Version 1.1.0 - November 10, 2010 New Features:. Added support for iOS 4.2. Recipes can now be placed into multiple categories. Added support for portrait mode. Added a fractions/measurements toolbar to the keyboard when editing ingredients and directions. Added a separate prep time field to each recipe.

The recipe font size can now be adjusted in the settings panel. Multiple default email recipients can be entered (comma separated). Categories and bookmarks can now be explicitly re-ordered. Added the ability to change a recipe's categories directly from the recipe list. The sleep timer is now automatically disabled when viewing a recipe.

Added a button to request a site when the 'Save Recipe' button cannot successfully process a recipe. Bug Fixes:. Fixed bug where browser clipboard tools end up hidden behind the tool bar. The address bar now uses the system copy and paste controls. Fixed issues with links not loading on certain sites. Fixed bug where the address bar ends up showing the wrong url. Fixed issue where recipe photos were not being displayed.

Cook time popup now re-selects last entered value when displayed. Version 1.0.0 - September 22, 2010. Initial release.

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